DDD Brisbane 2017

DDD Brisbane 2017

It's the third time I attend and volunteer to DDD Brisbane and first time I speak at it. For me it's such a privilege to be involved in this event, it's just awesome and a great atmosphere, you can feel that everyone there is so passionate about technology and eager to learn.

I'd like to personally thank all the organizers for the great effort to put this event together: Adam Stephensen, Andrew Harcourt, Bronwen Zande, Chris Gilbert, David Cook. And of course, all the sponsors, volunteers and speakers.

The photos where you can't see my arm sticking out were supplied courtesy of Bronwen Zande from Soul Solutions Pty Ltd and taken by John O'Brien.

So as usual, I'll just do a bit of an Event Retro:

What went well

  • Great talks
  • The venue was amazing
  • The catering was great
  • Free coffee the whole day
  • Having all tracks in the same floor
  • I loved the lock note
  • Loved speaker's workshop prior to the event. I got some really valuable feedback out of it
  • The unofficial after party location was great: Saint Lucy Cafe

What didn't go so well

  • The cafe area wasn't permitted in the conference venue which caused a bit of trouble as people were looking for shade to have lunch
  • Not having an official after party
  • The unofficial after party location closed too early

What can we do to improve next time?

  • I know the organizers tried to talk to the cafe owners to use their facilities, but it would really be great if we could convince them. If not then put some lines for people not to trespass.
  • Organize the after party earlier and maybe find a venue where we can keep partying til late :)
  • Maybe raise the ticket price by $10 to sponsor the after party.

Other than that, I'm really looking forward to the next one. And hopefully speaking again.
