Azure Azure Superpowers Tour Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone involved in making this event happen including all attendees, and especially SSW and Adam Cogan for supporting and sponsoring these events, Adam Stephensen for being my wingman or the other way around, and of course my beautiful wife and kids for handling
interview NDC Sydney 2017 - My Highlights If you are a developer, specially a .NET developer, and you've never been to an NDC Conference, I highly recommend you to put it in your wishlist. It's the best tech conference I've been so far, yes, it's that good and no,
azure functions Azure Functions .NET UG Tour A few months ago I put together an Azure Functions lightening talk to present at MS Ignite and I've realized that there was so much more to be said than 15 minutes. So I've turned it into a full talk and the idea of this talk
msauignite Microsoft Ignite 2017 My preparation for Ignite 2017 started way earlier than for most of the attendees. I put together a talk about Azure Functions to be delivered at Meetup Madness that happened in the same premises of the Ignite but the day before. That would be my biggest talk so far, mostly